
coral sea (大洋洲東北的)珊瑚海。


On 18 april 1942 she launched 16 u . s . army b - 25 bombers to attack japan , a strike that caused relatively little damage but which had enormous strategic implications . the hornet was then sent to the south pacific to reinforce u . s . units following the battle of coral sea , but was recalled to pearl harbor in mid - may 作為當時最大最新的航母“大黃蜂”號自然被選中參加空襲東京的任務,經過短期的特殊改裝后, 1942年4月2日, “大黃蜂”號載著16架b - 25轟炸機在哈爾西的企業號護航下突入日本近海。

Fossett ' s fourth solo bid ended in near disaster in 1998 , when a thunderstorm off australia ' s northeastern coast shredded his canopy and sent him plummeting 29 , 000 feet 9 , 000 metres into the coral sea . he was unhurt . this year fossett , 57 , decided to launch in western australia , some 600 km 400 miles from the indian ocean , to have a better chance of avoiding thunderstorms in the south pacific and gain time to detect problems while still over land 福塞的第四次嘗試是在1998年,當時來自澳大利亞東北海岸的一場風暴撕裂了氣球的罩蓬,結果他從29000英尺9000米的高空垂直掉進了太平洋的珊瑚海,萬幸的是他并沒有受傷,這次失敗的嘗試差點成了一次災難。

“ look , ” said the herring , “ i ' ve swum through the north sea , the atlantic ocean , the indian ocean , the java sea , the coral sea , the great pacific ocean , the siberian sea , and the frozen arctic “你看, ”青魚說, “我游過了北海、大西洋、印度洋、爪哇海、珊瑚海、太平洋、西伯利亞海,還有冰天雪地的北冰洋。

Conservationists describe the coral sea as “ a stunning blue - water highway , full of oceanic predators . “ it is a haven for hammerhead and white tip sharks , as well as manta rays 環保主義者將珊瑚海稱作“一令人驚訝的,滿是海洋食肉動物的深海大道” 。它是雙髻鯊、白鰭鯊以及鰩魚的樂土。

Gilly llewellyn , from the conservation organization wwf , says pollution and oil and gas drilling are among many threats that could damage the coral sea ' s ecosystem 吉莉?盧埃林是環保組織wwf的一員,她認為包括污染以及石油和天然氣開采在內的許多威脅都可能會破壞珊瑚海的生態系統。

Gilly llewellyn , from the conservation organization wwf , says pollution and oil and gas drilling are among many threats that could damage the coral sea ' s ecosystem Gilly llewellyn是wwf保護組織的成員,表示污染和石油開然氣的開發成為損害珊瑚海生態的幾種危脅之一

Gilly llewellyn , from the conservation organization wwf , says pollution and and oil and gas drilling are among many threats that could damage the coral sea ' s ecosystem 來自世界野生動物基金保護組織的g . l . ,表示石油和天然氣泄漏造成的污染會破壞珊瑚海的生態系統

Gilly llewellyn , from the conservation organization wwf , says pollution and oil and gas drilling are among many threats that could damage the coral sea ' s ecosystem 來自環保組織wwf的gillyllewellyn指出污染與燃油開發成為破壞珊瑚海生態資源的幾個因素之一。

And on he swam through the coral sea where the shells of millions and millions of tiny creatures had turned to rock and stood as big as mountains 他繼續向前游到了珊瑚海,在那里,有成千上萬的微小生物的殼變成了巖石,堆積如山。

This episode is set 149 million years ago when thousands of female ophthalmosaurus gather in the shallow coral seas to give birth 在一億四千九百萬年前,數千只雌性大眼魚聚集在珊瑚海的淺水處產卵。

Conservationists describe the coral sea as “ a stunning blue - water highway , full of oceanic preticises predators “ 天然資源保護者將珊瑚海描述為一個令人神往的深海高速公路,其中充滿了海洋食肉動物

The coral sea covers 780 , 000 square kilometers and borders the great barrier reef off australia ' s east coast 這片珊瑚海覆蓋著78000平方公里,形成了澳大利亞東部海岸線天然的暗礁屏障。

Conservationists describe the coral sea as “ a stunning blue - water highway , full of oceanic predators . 環保主義者把珊瑚海描述為“絕妙的深海高速,充滿著海洋掠食動物的地帶。 ”

The coral sea covers 780 , 000 square kilometers and borders the great barrier reef off australia ' s east coast 珊瑚海有780000平方公里,它的邊界就是澳大利亞東部海岸的大堡礁。

The coral sea covers 780 , 000 square kilometers and borders the ? for great barrier reef off australia east coast 珊瑚海覆蓋780 , 000平方公里,與澳大利亞東海岸的大堡礁毗連。

So , without formal protection for the coral sea we ' re afraid it might be vulnerable to that in the future 如果珊瑚海得不到正式的保護,恐怕珊瑚海日后難以承受這種破壞行為。

The coral sea covers 780 , 000 square kilometers and borders the great barrier reef off australia ' s east coast 珊瑚海覆蓋面積780 , 000平方公里,同澳大利亞東海岸的大堡礁相鄰。

The coral sea covers 780 , 000 square kilometers and borders the great barrier for ( reef off ) australia ' s east coast 珊瑚海面積達78萬平米,是澳洲東澳海岸與大堡礁的邊界處。

Conservationists describe the coral sea as “ a stunning blue - water highway , full of oceanic predators . 保護主義者形容珊瑚海為”令人驚訝的深海公路,充滿者海洋掠殺動物. ”